Holy Cross Prayer for Power and Victory Over Evil
Holy Cross Prayer for Power and Victory Over Evil
This prayer was found in the sepulcher of the Lord Jesus in the year 1709 and was sent by the Pope to Emperor Charles on the eve of his departure to fight his enemies and by him sent to St. Michael in France.
Let’s Pray
Oh, Lord Almighty! You have suffered death at the cross for our sins.
ˆOh Holy Cross of Jesus! be my true light.
Oh, Holy Cross of Jesus! fill my soul with good thoughts.
ˆOh Holy Cross! Help me in my salvation.
Oh, Holy Cross! safeguard me against unholy thoughts and worldly dangers that I may worship the Holy Cross of Jesus of Nazareth crucified. Have pity on me.
ˆOh Holy Cross of Jesus! be my hope.
Oh Holy Cross, have mercy on me forever and ever. Amen.
In honor of the Precious Blood of Jesus and His fearful Death and Resurrection and His Glorification which leads to everlasting life.
As true as Jesus is born on Christmas and crucified on Good Friday. As true as St. Joseph and Nicodemus took Jesus down from the cross. As true as Jesus ascended into heaven. May He preserve me from my enemies, both visible and invisible, forever and ever. Amen.

Lord Almighty
Into Your hands I give my soul and my body. Oh, Lord Jesus! grant me strength to bear the cross like yourself. Teach me to bear it with great humility that the Blessed Virgin may fill me with the Holy Spirit. Preserve my soul and lead it to life everlasting. Amen.
I come to you, Jesus, because you are my only hope, so accept me repentant and return to you broken and humbled, as you accepted Peter when
He denied you, and as you kissed the harlot when you wept at your feet, so kiss me and forgive me. Whoever reads this prayer or listens to it or carries it with him will die a righteous death.
And if birth is difficult, read this prayer, and as soon as the woman hears this prayer, her pain will be relieved, and when she gives birth, this prayer must be recited to the child so that the cross protects him from all harm.
With this sign, you win.
I Come to You, Jesus
Because you are my only hope, so accept me repentant and returning to you broken and humbled, as you accepted Peter when he refused you, and as you kissed the harlot when you wept at your feet, so kiss me and forgive me.
Whoever reads this prayer or listens to it or carries it with him will die a righteous death. And if birth is difficult, read this prayer, and as soon as the woman hears this prayer, her pain will be relieved, and when she gives birth, this prayer must be recited to the child so that the cross protects him from all harm.
With this sign, you win.
Holy Cross Prayer for Strength
Oh, our Lord Jesus Christ, Oh Son of the Eternal Father, who made the wood of the cross, a sign of our belonging, a banner for our journey, a fortified wall of our faith, a wellspring of your grace and blessings, a beacon that illuminates the paths of life for us, to continue the journey of faith through the paths of time, and declare victory over the tricks of the enemy.
And his crooked and twisted ways, and through him, you made us reconcile with God the Father, erased the instrument of our guilt and sins, and proclaimed the greatness of your love for us.
We beseech you to have mercy on us
And have mercy on us, for the tragedy of the cross is taking place before our eyes every day, as dust accumulated on our Gospel, and sin distorted the image of God in us, as we made it an image that corresponds to our whims and ideas, so we built private churches for us, instead of your true church that we abandoned, and it became Alien to us.
Yes, Lord, we resort to you through your holy cross, to bless our flock and our families, grant peace and security to our wounded country, have mercy on the dead and martyrs, and stop the sounds of war drums, so that the innocent do not fall victim to violence and terrorism. Bless the fruits of our land. Save our children and youth. Park the married couple. Assign our elders. Heal our patients.
Return to us safely far away
Do not make us strangers to your company, but make us your friends. By the power of your cross, make us live our faith, so that we may be witnesses and martyrs. The Holy Cross will remain a sign of our belonging and victory, Oh You who conquered the world with Your Cross. Amen.
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